Established in 1996 in the picturesque town of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, our company, under the visionary leadership of Shri Vinod Kumar Agarwal, embarked on a journey that began with the manufacturing of MS nails and binding wire, serving the construction industry. Shri Agarwal’s exceptional leadership propelled the company to new heights, establishing it as a trusted regional brand and one of the pioneering factories in Uttarakhand recognized for producing high-quality nails and binding wire.
Having earned trust as a reliable brand for over two decades, our company underwent a transformative phase. The second generation of the family leadership recognized the changing dynamics in the steel product category and the emerging demand for galvanized steel wire gabion boxes. In 2020, following extensive research and strategic investments, the company shifted its focus to the field of geo-technical engineering. Today, we proudly manufacture and export galvanized steel wire gabion boxes, emphasizing our commitment to delivering quality products while exploring new avenues in our product line.